Monday, August 10, 2015

Weeding in the border

I can never stay ahead of the weeds, but I did spend some time Friday, Saturday, and today working under the crepe myrtle (the tree that shed the deer-shaped bark).  I gathered up the loose bark that had fallen as well as some that I pulled off or knocked out of the tree and burned it.  I had some pine straw that had been sort of mounded since I raked it from the neighbor's yard last fall.  I spread it over the area I had just weeded.  It looks nice.  You can see the wheelbarrow full of weeds.  This was mostly stiltgrass (or a look alike) which comes up easily.
I still have the area beyond the crepe myrtle to weed, but I'd say I'm more than halfway through with this section (which, of course, is just a miniscule fraction of what needs to be done).


  1. I always admire yards and edges tended. I can never keep those areas up when I start them. I end up just cutting close to the tree or bush and pulling or weed eating. My sister Shirl and you must be kin.
    TAke care, WE are in Colorado Springs. Wind chill on Pikes Peak was 31. Nice weather here.

    1. Compared to Colorado, I guess we are hot and humid, but it's not as hot and humid as it has been. Yesterday was mostly cloudy, so outdoor work was tolerable. We should be getting some rain here today. That's a good thing since it's been rather dry in the last couple of weeks.
