Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Coleus genetics

Last year I had some coleuses that I had rooted from cuttings.

I tried to overwinter some of them without success.  However, much to my delight, some little volunteers sprang up in a flower pot this spring.
It's interesting how one looks quite a bit like the parent plant, but the other two are different.  There is a fourth one tucked under the others that hasn't had the chance to grow much under the shade of its siblings.  I broke of pieces of the three plants and stuck each one in a pot of compost about two weeks ago.  They look like they have rooted.
I'm reminded of my grandmother who used to have coleuses growing in flower pots.  They are old favorites that are quite popular again.


1 comment:

  1. Sherry talks a lot about her mother's coleuses . I have seen them, now that you have pictures, but I never knew their names. I am honestly going to try to remember the name. I like leaf plants.
