Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Night sky II

I did look at the sky again tonight, and I saw Mars in the line between Venus and the moon (though it wasn't bright enough to show up in this shot).  It was a nice view to see them lined up this way.


  1. I have a clear sky tonight. we just came inside. I don't know one from another by name but a couple were very bright. Away from the light the sky is beautiful tonight here near Orlando.

    1. Sirius is the brightest star. It is in the southern sky (sort of southeast, I think, when it rises).
      What I just learned is that this is the time of year to see Canopus if you live south of 37 degrees latitude (above that it is invisible). You should be able to see that low on the horizon, second only in brightness to Sirius.

  2. It rained all evening here. I did look the night before and think I saw Mars but I might have been mistaken.
    I wish I could put my camera on my telescope.

    1. You probably did see Mars if it was in that general vicinity because I think it would have been the next most noticeable thing to Venus in that area. To me, Mars has a sort of orangey-yellow appearance whereas Venus looks whiter.
