Several years ago, my friend Lea, Caleb, and I hiked a little of the trail around Falls Lake. I think circumstances are going to allow Lea and me to hike a little more of the trail. (If Caleb can't go with us I will miss him keenly. He has been my best nature-walk buddy since he was about four years old.) I pulled out my map to plan my hike. I do love maps, and I have a wonderful map that was mailed to me by one Arthur W. Kelley. The map was free; all I had to do was send a SASE. I could upgrade to waterproof paper for a dollar, which I did. I thought I would go back to his webpage and see what other maps or what updates he had made. I was sad to see a notice that he had moved out of state and was no longer making maps of Falls Lake Trail or the Eno River Trails. (I did find an Art Kelley on the web out in California on a webpage that was "as simple as possible but no simpler." That did make me smile.) I want to say thanks to Arthur W. Kelley and all the people who, like him, give to their community out of the goodness of their heart with no expectation of anything in return other than the satisfaction of knowing they are improving the quality of life for their fellow man.
Happy trails to you!
Such a 'SWEET' post. It is good to give credit to those who are truly 'nice' people. Who just want to promote harmony and spread good cheer and information, asking nothing in return. i do not know Author of course, but I certainly admire him and others like him.
ReplyDeleteI smile when I hear of 'good' folk in this world, there are those folk around us wh are not car-jackers and thieves.
THANKS for a smile.
From the Poconos..... jack & Sherry Love!