Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Growing, growing

It's summer and things are growing merrily.

I'm in love with the angel wing begonia.
I've also gotten reacquainted with an old classic.  Mom gave me a pot of wandering Jew.
I took some pieces of it and put them in a terra cotta strawberry jar with some sweet potato vine.
Another pot of various rooted clippings.
Remember what the hand tilled bed looked like on May 31?

Here it is on July 22 filled with squash and sweet potatoes.  (I did surgery on the squash vines a week or so ago and cut out three vine borers.  No pesticides have been used.)
If anyone can tell me why a couple of the squashes have ridges, please do.
It's been a good year for the blueberries.  I'm not that industrious in the kitchen, so baking a batch of blueberry muffins is a major triumph.

Good ole summertime!


1 comment:

  1. Shirl was complaining about her Squash this year, cannot remember the reason.

    BUT the flowers are beautiful, I can enjoy the beauty without knowing the names. And I am not the blue berry lover in the family, gut those evefn look delicious to me! You done good!
