Friday, June 10, 2016

More June blooms

The gardenia...
A division from the daylily that a former pastor's wife, who was also my third-grade teacher (one of my favorite teachers), gave my mom...
A daylily that my brother gave me from a "chance seedling"...
And a daylily rescued from next door...
I wonder if this daylily isn't from a seed because I really don't remember the neighbor having one of this color.  In any case, I like it.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, I am amazed at the history you have on the flowers. i remember mama getting some cuttings when I was a kid, and she would be smiling ear to ear. I wondered what the big deal. Strange I have to wait until I am near 80 to appreciate it. I was petting the three butterfly bushes that survived today, and the best one came from my sister. If I do not kill it, I know I will remember where it came from.
    Pretty entry and sweet also
