At the Zach Goforth Memorial River Run, I noticed the palisade walls of Indian Mound were needing some mud plaster maintenance. The bluebirds didn't seem to mind the conditions--any post is a perch.
In my mixed border, the clematis that I rescued from next door is blooming. I am letting it climb through Grandpa's white rose (and into the osmanthus, if it wants).
On a negative note, I found several leaf-footed bugs sucking the sap out of the top of one of my potato plants. I knocked some of them into a bucket of sudsy water. I'll be after the few that flew away because I know they'll be back.
(There was also one larva of a Colorado potato beetle that I dropped into the suds as well. I had killed one beetle the other day. Rarely do you see just one larva, so I will be inspecting the vines to see if there are more.)
The blue flora and fauna made me happy, and the brown one gave me the blues.
Love the butterfly but the bug ain't pretty! Never heard of the dude. But I never paid that much attention. It looks sorta like a stink bug except for the feet.