Monday, May 4, 2015

The good 'Dr. Huey' in bloom

If you have a rose that once was a delicate pink or a sunny yellow and is now a dark red, you may be dealing with 'Dr. Huey.'  Many roses are grown on 'Dr. Huey' rootstock.  Then 'Dr. Huey' survives (or takes over) the other rose.  I have a 'Dr. Huey' where I once had a 'Therese Bugnet.'  I don't think there is anything left of Therese.  I'm not really sure why she declined so unless she was just shaded out by a growing crepe myrtle.  By the shed (which I call the barn, which now has a new layer of shingles which finally match the tan exterior after 18 years of dove gray shingles clashing with a light tan paint), there is a 'Dr. Huey' that is trying to take over a declining yellow rose.  I planted the yellow rose for my husband since that is his favorite color.  I see one stem in the center of the plant that looks a little different.  As long as there is any yellow rose left, I will try to tear out the 'Dr. Huey.'  'Dr. Huey' will probably get to stay where 'Therese Bugnet' was.  I miss her spicy fragrance.
'Dr. Huey' is very susceptible to black spot, especially later in the season, but right now, he's the star of the show.


1 comment:

  1. So Mr. R, is a Yellow Rose of Texas guy. (smile). I love the rose, but and NOT a friend of the thorns, I think I am too impatient around the rose bush and usually get a 'good' scratch.
    I do love to see a rose garden though.
