Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Sights overhead

When I'm outside, I like to look at the sky.  At night I enjoy looking at the stars and planets or looking for meteors.  I'm continually learning. 
Just recently I learned that the constellation that always reminds me of Daddy's bee smoker is actually part of Leo.


I laugh at myself when I remember seeing a rocket fuel dump and thinking it was a comet.

Last fall, my son and I went to a nearby field and watched the launch of the moon probe LADEE.

Day or night, I enjoy seeing the moon.  I've also seen Venus during the day.  That was amazing.
I like the many ways clouds look.  A few months ago, I saw some rare iridescent clouds.  Here is one shot I took of those iridescent clouds.
I also like to watch jets, planes, and helicopters as they fly overhead.  When I hear one, I look up to see if I can spot it.  We live, as the crow flies, probably less than 25 miles from a major airport, so I often see the jets fly overhead.  (We're not close enough for it to be a nuisance, just close enough to maybe see the evening sun reflecting on them high overhead and wonder where they're off to.)
I found this website which shows the plane paths quite fascinating.  http://rduflighttrack.rdu.com/rduflightpath/
Yes, we're pretty close to one of those paths.
Have you looked up lately?


  1. I have always watched clouds and enjoyed trying to make things out of the formations. The clouds you show I see a Mexican dancing couple. Mexican because if looks like something I have seen in a cowboy movie. I haven't had much luck at constellations, EXCEPT the Big and little Dipper of course. It took a kid from Iowa to point out the North Star to me. I was told different as a kid.

    Good entry!

    1. I see a dancing couple, too, but the creature on the right is an eagle in a hat and dress. You can see the beak!
      Some friends of mine picked up a Klutz guide to Backyard Stars and gave it to my son for Christmas one year. It is a small laminated brochure. They might have purchased it at Cracker Barrel, but I'm sure you can find them somewhere on the internet. It is helpful because it shows how to start with the Big Dipper and go from there to find the other prominent stars and constellations.
